President Skorton responds to Arizona shooting
Fellow Cornellians,
President Skorton has asked me to share with you the following message he sent to the friends and family of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, reflecting the groundswell of concern throughout our community as she remains in critical condition in the wake of Saturday's senseless attack.
Tommy Bruce
Dear Friends,
The entire Cornell University family is with you and is hoping for Gabrielle's full and speedy recovery. We know her as a dedicated public servant of great integrity as well as a distinguished Cornell alumna. In our thoughts as well are the families of those who perished in this senseless attack and the other victims.
There is no place in our country for such violence, and we deplore and condemn its use as a substitute for reasoned public discourse.
We will hope for good news each day. We look forward to Gabrielle regaining her position of leadership in the U.S. Congress, and, when the time is right, to welcoming her back to her alma mater.
With respect and admiration.
David J. Skorton
President, Cornell University