Message of condolence on the death of Harsh Gosalia
Dear friends,
It is with a heavy heart that I report the news that one of our very recent graduates, Harsh Gosalia, passed away Sunday evening in Hoboken, NJ. Harsh graduated in January with a Masters in Engineering, and took a job in New York City. He had come back to Ithaca to attend graduation last weekend and had just returned to his home when he died suddenly and unexpectedly.
Harsh was known for his excellent spirit and cheerful outlook, and his family was most proud of his success. Harsh was a grateful advocate of the many real friendships he had made at Cornell, the growth he had experienced and the support he felt. He will be greatly missed by many of those who interacted with him over his time in Ithaca and in NYC.
We offer our heartfelt condolences to Harsh's family and friends as they gather in India to receive him in the next days, and ask that you please keep those close to him foremost in your thoughts. The loss of such a promising young Cornellian affects us all.
Plans to commemorate Harsh's life will be announced once they are made in consultation with his family.
Barbara KnuthDean, Graduate School
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