Mayor Myrick and President Skorton join voices to affirm community values
We are joining together today to welcome newcomers to Ithaca and affirm our community values of civility and tolerance. Both of us are proud of the tradition of inclusiveness for which Ithaca is known – but, we also recognize that we do not live in an entirely bias-free environment.
As representatives of our community, we want to express our concern and dismay over the reported bias incident that occurred in the Collegetown neighborhood early Sunday morning, and our confidence that it is being addressed appropriately and effectively by our police and court systems.
We are committed to addressing disturbing incidents such as this through enforcement, education and outreach. At the same time, we want to encourage you to remember that the alleged actions by one individual do not represent the attitudes of the entire Ithaca community.
We want everyone, including our newest colleagues and friends, to know that Ithaca – and Ithacans – strongly value and respect all members of our diverse community. Please help us to strengthen that worthwhile tradition.
Welcome home.
Mayor Svante L. Myrick
President David Skorton