Students injured in car accident on campus

I write to share the news that one of our undergraduate students was seriously injured in a car accident on campus early this morning. The student, who was driving the car, is in stable condition at a regional medical center. I have been in touch with his family, and have expressed to them our concern and support. A second Cornell undergraduate, the car’s only passenger, was treated for minor injuries. The accident occurred when the driver failed to navigate the curve just north of Lincoln Hall on East Avenue. As a result, the car left the road and crashed into the south wall of Rand Hall. None of the approximately 15 students in Rand Hall at the time was injured.

On behalf of the entire Cornell community, I offer our support and caring to the injured students and their families and friends. I hope that the students who were in Rand Hall and any other individuals who may have been affected by the accident will consider the services listed below, which are available always, for all of us.

Ryan Lombardi
Vice President for Student and Campus Life

Support services are available to all members of the Cornell community. Students may consult with counselors from Gannett Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) by calling 607-255-5155. Students may speak with a peer counselor by calling EARS at 607-255-3277.

Employees may call the Faculty Staff Assistance Program at 607-255-2673. The Ithaca-based Crisisline is available at 607-272-1616. For additional resources, visit