Vice President Lombardi issues condolences on death of Angel Hierro ’17

It is with deep sadness that I write to inform you that we have lost a member of the Cornell community.

Angel Hierro ’17 was found dead in his residence in the Latino Living Center in Anna Comstock Hall on Sunday. Cornell Police are investigating, but foul play is not suspected.

A student in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences who was studying Animal Science, Angel was from North Bergen, N.J. He was actively engaged in many campus student organizations and aspired to become a veterinarian.

As we struggle with this loss, I encourage you to reach out to others for support and to use the support services listed below.

On behalf of the university community, I extend our deepest condolences to Angel’s family and friends. Please keep them in your thoughts as we mourn this tremendous loss to the Cornell community.

Ryan Lombardi
Vice President for Student & Campus Life

Support services are available to all members of the Cornell community. Students may consult with counselors from Gannett Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) by calling 607-255-5155. Students may speak with a peer counselor by calling EARS at 607-255-3277.

Employees may call the Faculty Staff Assistance Program at 607-255-2673. The Ithaca-based Crisisline is available at 607-272-1616. For additional resources, visit