Statement of President Martha E. Pollack on yesterday's events in Charlottesville

Members of the Cornell Community,

Like so many of you, I followed the news from Charlottesville, Virginia, over the past 36 hours with shock, horror, anger and revulsion. The white supremacists' support for racism, anti-Semitism and raw hatred is vile and antithetical to what this nation and Cornell stand for. Cornell was founded as a university for "any person," and we remain resolute in our commitment to addressing bigotry whenever it arises on our campuses or within our communities.

As we welcome a new class of students this week, I ask you to take a moment and specifically reach out to those who continue to be targeted — people of color, Jews, international students, LGBT-Q students, and others — to let them know that they are a valued part of our Cornell community.


Martha E. Pollack