VP Malina provides update on campus climate and inclusion efforts
Dear Cornell Community,
I am writing with a brief update on several initiatives that are underway related to our campus climate and inclusion efforts, most notably the presidential task force. President Pollack and senior leadership have held numerous conversations with faculty, students and staff over the last two weeks about the charge and composition of this important group. While we are all eager to get the effort started, we want to make sure it is structured in a way to maximize its success. Accordingly, the president will be meeting this week with a few additional faculty leaders to obtain their feedback, after which she will complete and disseminate the task force charge.
In the meantime, we continue to work diligently to implement the initiatives outlined in the recent communication from Provost Kotlikoff and Vice President Lombardi, and we are pleased to announce that an additional therapist has just accepted our offer to join the Counseling & Psychological Services staff. Additionally, we have assembled a team of staff from the Division of Student & Campus Life to support the goal of providing diversity training and education for the broader Greek community.
Best regards,
Joel M. Malina
Vice President for University Relations