Message from Cornell United Religious Work
Members of the Cornell Community,
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester has notified us of an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor against Reverend Carsten Martensen, S.J., from the 1970s.
Father Martensen has served in campus ministry at Cornell University and Ithaca College since 2007. The USA Northeast Province of the Jesuits has temporarily suspended Father Martensen from all current assignments and public ministry pending completion of an investigation. Cornell University has temporarily revoked all privileges for Father Martensen that are provided for chaplains affiliated with Cornell United Religious Work.
Any allegation of abuse is troubling. Our thoughts are with our faith community and all who are impacted by this news. Members of our community who need support are welcome to contact Cornell United Religious Work so that we may connect you with one of our chaplains, or use any of the resources listed below. The Catholic communities plan to provide a space for conversation after each Mass for individuals who need support or have concerns or questions.
Father Daniel McMullin
Associate Dean of Students for Spirituality and Meaning-Making and Director of Cornell United Religious Work
Ryan Lombardi
Vice President for Student & Campus Life
Support services:
- Students on the Ithaca campus may contact Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) staff for counseling or other assistance with mental health concerns. Students at Cornell Tech may contact Student Services for support.
- Employees in Ithaca and New York City may contact the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program at 607-255-2673 during business hours. Emergencies and after-hours concerns can also be addressed.
- The Title IX Office is available to assist any student, staff or faculty member who has concerns about sexual or related misconduct — including gender-based harassment, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, stalking, sexual exploitation or other forms of sexual misconduct.
- The Sexual Harassment and Assault – Response and Education (SHARE) website provides important and timely information to the Cornell community about sexual harassment, assault, gender discrimination and other related forms of violence. It also offers information about Cornell’s SHARE partners who provide services, support, reporting options, education and advocacy.