Cornell Investments Managed by Firms with ESG Policy or Framework chart description


The chart shows the percentage of Cornell investments managed by firms with formal Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) policies or frameworks and ESG neutral investments. ESG neutral includes investments for which United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment (UNPRI) or other ESG Policy / Framework is not meaningful (i.e. Cash, US Treasuries, etc.).

It shows that the combined percentage of investments managed by firms with ESG policy or framework and ESG neutral investments has increased each year since 2015.


Percentage of Cornell Investments Managed by Firms with ESG Policy or Framework
Period Percent ESG Percent ESG Neutral Percent of ESG and ESG Neutral combined
December 2015 57.5% 9.0% 66.5%
December 2016 57.9% 9.2% 67.1%
December 2017 67.7% 7.3% 75.0%
December 2018 67.6% 9.3% 76.9%
December 2019 70.8% 8.7% 79.5%


The bar chart represents both the percentages for ESG and ESG neutral investments and the combined total percentage for each year. The percentages and the totals are represented using columns lined up horizontally, with heights indicating the percentages.