Upcoming Public Safety Advisory Committee survey
Dear Ithaca campus community,
On Monday, February 8, you will receive an invitation to participate in a confidential, secure survey on behalf of Cornell’s Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC). Your response is important to help the PSAC understand campus community perspectives and experiences related to policing and emergency response on our Ithaca campus and to inform its recommendations to university leaders for reimagining campus security and safety.
Comprising students, faculty and staff, the PSAC advises the Cornell University Police Department (CUPD) and university leadership on issues of public safety and victims’ advocacy, as well as the overall safety and well-being of Cornell’s diverse community. As part of extensive diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives underway across Cornell, the PSAC is examining current CUPD policies, procedures and trainings, with its recommendations due to President Pollack later this semester.
The survey, which will be open from Feb. 8-21, should take seven minutes to complete, and it will include a variety of questions concerning services offered by campus police now and in the future. Survey responses will be secure and confidential, with data to be analyzed only in aggregate form, so that no one will know your responses. For more information on the survey, including how responses will be used, please review the following FAQs on the PSAC site.
We thank you in advance for offering your input on these important campus safety matters.
Joanne DeStefano
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Ryan Lombardi
Vice President for Student and Campus Life