Supporting our community

Dear Cornell Students,

I write to address the strong emotions that many of us are experiencing during these challenging times. I have spoken with many students who represent a range of beliefs, identities, and perspectives. Despite these differences, a common thread is the recognition that we are all Cornellians and deserve the opportunity to fully engage in our educational experience.

Free expression is a core value for Cornell. Equally important is our commitment to belonging and inclusion. While these values can come into tension, we must remain mutually committed to them, particularly in the most difficult times. We know this is possible as evidenced over the last few weeks by meaningful interactions inside and outside of the classroom. No matter how strongly you may disagree with someone, they have the right to hold and express their beliefs and opinions. We must also remember that behaviors such as doxxing, vandalism, or harassment are counter to these values, as are racism, antisemitism, and Islamophobia.

As we continue to try to make sense of tragedies that are beyond our direct control, we must all remember our commitment and role in shaping this community in a manner that is fundamental to our safety and emotional wellbeing.


Ryan Lombardi
Vice President, Student and Campus Life