Statement on Islamophobic incident in Collegetown
Dear Ithaca campus community,
I write today after being made aware that a Muslim Cornell student was spat upon yesterday while walking in Collegetown. If the individual who committed this awful, Islamophobic act is identified as a member of the Cornell community, they will be held fully accountable for this deplorable and unlawful behavior.
I am horrified that someone would treat another member of our community in this manner. Hate has no place at Cornell. This would be painful anytime, but during Ramadan this must be particularly hurtful for our Muslim community.
Given that this occurred off campus, a police report was filed with the Ithaca Police Department (IPD). Cornell Police have offered their full support to IPD as they investigate. Student support staff have been in contact with the victim to provide ongoing support
We must be united and firm in our rejection of Islamophobia and all other forms of hate, and we must all be diligent in our role in fostering a community of belonging, even in the most challenging of times.
Martha E. Pollack